SDN x Cloud Native Meetup #15

本次 SDN x Cloud Native Meetup 由 CNTUG 社群的 Phil Huang 和遠從矽谷 ONF (Open Network Foundation)的  Charles Chan 為我們帶來精彩的講題。


How (not) to build a scalable SDN application - lessons learnt from production deployment

To date, Trellis is the only production-ready, open source, whitebox-based SDN leaf-spine fabric solution designed for telco service provider's edge cloud. In this talk, we are going to share technical issues and challenges we have been facing in large scale production deployment, the techniques we used to debug those issues and provide a few suggestions for developers who want to build scalable applications in ONOS.

This talk is inspired by Jordan Halterman's "How (Not) to Build Distributed Applications in ONOS." I strongly recommend watching his presentation first.

如何開發(不)具擴展性的 ONOS 應用程式 - 從商用部署中學到的 12 堂課

Trellis 是世界上唯一已商用化、開源、使用白牌交換機、針對電信業者 edge cloud 需求設計的 SDN leaf-spine fabric 解決方案
本演講將會分享我們在商用化環境大規模部署 Trellis 時所遭遇的技術困難和挑戰、在除錯時使用的技巧和工具、並對於想要在 ONOS 上開發高擴展性應用程式的開發人員提供幾項建議。

本演講是受到 Jordan Halterman "How (Not) to Build Distributed Applications in ONOS" 的啟發,強烈推薦聽眾先去觀看他的演講



講者:  Charles Chan (ONF)
Charles Chan, Ph.D.
Member of Technical Staff, Open Networking Foundation
Co-Founder, SDNDS-TW

Charles started his career at Open Networking Foundation since 2015. He is the lead developer of Trellis project, an open-source, SDN-enabled, multi-purpose leaf-spine networking fabric built on white-box switches. Charles is also involved in various ONF projects such as ONOS, UPAN and SEBA.

Charles is a founding member of ONF Ambassador Program, which aims at connecting people and providing necessary assistances to the open-source community all around the world. Charles is also one of the co-founder of SDNDS-TW.



當把一個容器平台建立完之後,還有什麼重要的事情是需要考慮的? 本演講將會以 Red Hat OpenShift 為核心基礎,分享除了容器平台本身的基礎服務以外,還有哪些`非容器平台服務`是需要思考?

講者: Phil Huang 黃秉鈞 <pichuang @

- 任職於 Red Hat 擔任 Solution Architect 一職
- SDNDS-TW / CNTUG 社群小志工



Cloud Native Taiwan User Group 希望整合台灣雲端相關社群如 OpenStack, Kubernetes, Ceph, SDN 等,並利用 Meetup 定期在各台灣地區舉辦技術與推廣分享活動。目的是藉此群策群力來使該社團快速成長,以對台灣在雲端開源平台的貢獻,另外我們更希望該社群持有 Cloud Native 概念,並將此推廣至台灣企業、學校、政府單位等。更多資訊,請到 粉絲團關注。

Software Defined Network Develop Society TW (SDNDS-TW) 是由一群熱愛研究 SDN 相關領域的夥伴們成立的交流社團,在此社團內會交流眾多主題,從學界的學習研究到最新業界的發展與現況。社團內亦有多位 SDN 領域相關的開源貢獻者,期許透過交流能夠促進`SDN`在台灣業界/學界有更進一步的成長以及對該領域的貢獻。更多資訊,請到 粉絲團關注。

天瓏書局 CodingSpace / 100台北市中正區重慶南路一段105號


票種 販售時間 售價
Normal Ticket

2019/04/07 00:00(+0800) ~ 2019/04/21 00:00(+0800) 結束販售
  • 免費